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Josh Lee

发布部门:  发布时间:2014-11-12  浏览次数:

Josh Lee is currently serving as language instructor within the International Education College (IEC) at ZZULI. His American business field experiences, coupled with a history within various educational sectors make him a well-suited addition to the department. Josh’s interests include developing students into adults who contribute to the improvement of their community and world.

Before coming to China, Josh served as a teacher and a private tutor in America for many years. As a tutor, Josh’s students experienced rapid improvement in understanding, grades, and confidence. He has been recognized as an outstanding and dedicated teacher who empowers students through encouragement, self-responsibility, and goal setting. Community services includes over 10 years of leading youth reach out community programs.

Educational Background:
B.A. Business Management; Indiana Wesleyan University (Manga Cum Laude graduate).
M.A. Secondary Business Education; University of Indianapolis.

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