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首页  师资介绍

Lori Enfield

发布部门:  发布时间:2014-11-12  浏览次数:

Lori Enfield is currently serving as a language instructor within the International Education College (IEC) at ZZULI. Her long-term stay in the department, coupled with her broad range of teaching and tutoring experiences make her a great fit in the IEC department. Lori is passionate about helping students learn how to develop their critical thinking and communication skills.

Before coming to China, Lori worked as an early childhood development teacher and volunteered as an adult education tutor in America. As a teacher, Lori’s students are challenged to ‘think outside of the box’, develop their personal creativity and build their self-confidence. She strives to assist students with developing responsible personal habits, striving to achieve personal goals and learning through action-based projects. Lori has also volunteered her time while living here in Henan, to include spending a summer serving as a volunteer teaching assistant for the official WeiHui Education Department English Teacher training program.

Educational Background: 
B.A. Studio Art Washburn University
TEFL certification Bridge-Linguatic TEFL program 

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