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首页  本科项目专业


发布部门:国际教育学院  发布时间:2014-12-24  浏览次数:

Communications for ICT交流技巧
Communications for ICT is an essential guide to technical communication for IT professionals. Effective communication in the workplace and in life generally is a major factor contributing to success and happiness. This course introduces you to the principles of clear communication across the areas that a technology-focused worker will need. The course takes a holistic approach by placing the content in its larger context of a person's life. You are shown how these principles apply to your work-related activities, but also how they apply in how you think and live. The course therefore aims to equip you to become a competent technical communicator with a good understanding of the techniques and tools that are used to produce a broad spectrum of reader-friendly documentation.

Introduction to Programming程序设计导论
Understand how to use computers to solve problems and use programming tools (editors and compilers); Understand the properties of binary data, text data and the files that contain them, including(1)Read the formal specification of the syntax of a programming language; and create programs that consist of calls to procedures that perform actions,(2)Write programs that declare variables, assign values to them, and call functions to return values; write programs that involve repetition with definite and/or indefinite loops; write programs that use selections; write programs that use arrays; write programs with multiple methods that call each other, sharing data with global variables and/or parameter passing,(3)Document programs with comments, and Debug programs.

Fundamentals of information systems信息系统基础
This course explores the relationship between technology and organizations by studying key information systems components and concepts. It provides the basic skills necessary to analyses information systems requirements and develops their computer-based solutions using various systems analysis and design techniques.

Object Oriented Programming面向对象编程
This course teaches the fundamental concepts underlying the object-oriented approach to programming through the widely-used object-oriented language. Concentrating on aspects of object-oriented language that best demonstrate object-oriented principles and good practice, students gain a solid basis for further study of the object-oriented language, and of object-oriented software development.

C++ Programming C++ 编程
The course provides a broad coverage of programming, the C++ programming language, introduces the C++ class library, and teaches basic problem solving and software engineering techniques for the development, testing and documentation of moderate-sized programs that address a range of selected problems. The course extends modern programming concepts and techniques and covers basic data structures and algorithms.
本课程介绍广泛使用的C + +编程语言,主要内容包括C++类库,C++编程技术,利用C++设计和开发软件的基本解决问题,软件测试方法和文档的撰写。本课程扩展了现代编程的概念和技术并涵盖了基本的数据结构和算法。

Computer Networks计算机网络
The emphasis of this course will be on the basic concept and theory in the design and implementation of computer networks. To make the issues more concrete, the class includes several multi-week projects requiring significant design and implementation. The goal is for students to learn not only what computer networks are and how they work today, but also why they are designed the way they are and how they are likely to evolve in the future. We will draw examples primarily from the Internet. Topics to be covered include: congestion/flow/error control, routing, addressing, naming, multi-casting, switching, internetworking, and network security.

Database Design数据库设计
Database design is crucial to effectively implement a relational database. In this course we discuss how to model data, database construction, and developing a database in a business environment.

Introduction to Multimedia多媒体技术导论
This course provides students with a detailed level of knowledge and skills related to planning, designing, and integrating multimedia products and systems. Students learn and apply the fundamental principles relating to process models and develop an appreciation for multimedia applications.

Database Systems数据库系统
Course Code: 0404200 Credits: 4 Hours: 60
This course presents a systematic account of the basic techniques underlying the implementation of database management systems. The main topics covered are storage (including file structures) and indexing, query optimization, and transaction management. The course also covers important management topics like physical design, security and architectures of database applications. The course may include some advanced topics, such as databases used for storing geo-referenced data from satellites, time dependent data, bioinformatics data, unstructured and multimedia data objects. Alternative advanced topics may be data integration, data warehousing, or data mining.

Information System Security信息系统安全
This course presents a broad coverage and detailed discussion of principles and practices of technology and standards, and security protocols for modern computer networks. Topics covered include cryptography, authentication, digital signatures, trust and privacy. An introduction to a selection of technologies and application areas such as RSA, SET, PGP, Kerberos, IPSec and SSL is given. From the network security side, wireless networks, virtual private networks, sensor networks, designing secure networks, as well as authentication, access control, security models and vulnerabilities are covered.

System Analysis and Design系统分析与设计
This course focuses on the basic theory and technology of system analysis and design. The course provides students with new ways of looking at information in the world in order to solve business problems. The content includes:(1)To introduce students to concepts and methods of SAD,(2)To describe the systems development life cycle (SDLC),(3)To teach students effective methods for gathering essential information during system analysis,(4)To teach students effective methods for designing systems to solve problems effectively using technology.

Project Management项目管理
As a result of successful completion of this course, students should have gained the core competencies required for effective project management, as described in the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. This course contributes to almost all of the generic attributes of the Griffith Graduate.

Mobile Application Development移动应用开发
This course provides students with application skills of mobile application development for low-power handheld devices, such as personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants or mobile phones. The course will equip students with the necessary practical skills to become a mobile application programmer. Throughout the entire duration of the course students will have support from subject experts who are themselves professionals in the industry. This course also provides you with further programming experience through projects that present real world programming practice.

版权所有 www.635-288.com 国际教育学院 地址:郑州市东风路5号 邮编:450002 E-mail:iecbgs@zzuli.edu.cn