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首页  本科项目专业


发布部门:国际教育学院  发布时间:2014-12-24  浏览次数:

Database Design数据库设计
Database design is crucial to effectively implement a relational database. In this course we discuss how to model data, database construction, and developing a database in a business environment.


Database Systems数据库系统
This course presents a systematic account of the basic techniques underlying the implementation of database management systems. The main topics covered are storage (including file structures) and indexing, query optimization, and transaction management. The course also covers important management topics like physical design, security and architectures of database applications. The course may include some advanced topics, such as databases used for storing geo-referenced data from satellites, time dependent data, bioinformatics data, unstructured and multimedia data objects. Alternative advanced topics may be data integration, data warehousing, or data mining.


Java Programming Java程序设计
This course teaches the fundamental concepts underlying the object-oriented approach to programming through the widely-used Java programming language. This course mainly includes: the history and characteristics of the Java language and the operation and development environment of Java, the basic knowledge of Java language, the concept of class, inheritance, polymorphism, etc, the comprehensive introduction for many concepts, such as inheritance, polymorphism, interface and exception handling.
本课程主要包括:Java语言的来历和特点以及Java的运行和开发环境; Java语言的基础知识;类、继承、多态等概念;对许多重要但不易理解的概念,例如,继承、多态、接口等,都结合实例给予了全面的介绍;主要讨论了常用的类和接口及异常处理。


Database Management and Application数据库原理及应用
This course mainly introduces the principle of database system, a relational database, Structured Query Language (SQL), the theory of relational database, database security protection, database design and the advanced application of SQL Server 2000. It also introduces the realization of database technology by using SQL Server 2000 , including the maintenance of database and data table, query and statistics, view management, stored procedure and trigger management, user management, constraints and default management, database backup and restore, Transact-SQL program design ,etc.
本课程主要介绍了数据库系统概述、关系数据库、关系数据标准语言(SQL)、关系数据库理论、数据库安全保护、数据库设计和SQL Server 2000高级应用。还以SQL Server 2000为背景介绍了数据库技术的实现,包括数据库和数据表的维护、查询与统计、视图管理、存储过程和触发器的管理、用户管理、约束和默认管理、数据库的备份和还原、Transact-SQL程序设计等内容。


Human Computer Interaction (Bilingual)人机交互(双语)
This course introduces students to the factors that contribute to effective interface design, with an emphasis on user-centred design, usability testing, and analysis of usability results. The course provides students with theoretical and practical exposure to the principles of human computer interaction with an emphasis on ensuring usability of the design.
本课程向学生介绍了有效的界面设计的因素,强调以用户为中心的设计、 易用性测试和易用性结果分析。该课程为学生提供理论和实践使学生了解和确保人机交互易用性的设计原则。

JAVA Programming (Advanced)JAVA高级程序设计
This course introduces using Java graphical components to create the user interface, the basic knowledge related to the database, connecting and accessing to the database in the Java program, the fundamental concepts underlying the object-oriented approach to programming through the widely-used Java programming language. This course mainly introduces basic knowledge of related database, including how to connect to the database in the Java program and implement the data access. It also introduces basic manipulation of objects, inheritance, interfaces, graphical user interface, multithreaded network programming, exception handling, network socket programming and database programming etc.

Programming in C# for the Web C#网络程序设计
In this course, students learned the basics of web programming. Core and transferable knowledge included C#, using and debugging Visual Studio 2013 and relational databases. Specific knowledge for web programming included ASP.NET with WebForms and an introduction to HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery. In the coursework, students were asked to connect to a database including flights information and produce a CSS-styled “departures board” with a back-end allowing editing of flights displayed in it.



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